Meet the Williams Family! We met this fun family through baseballWe soon became fast friends as our boys are roughly the same age & Keith and Deb are so funny and sweet! Dillan, the oldest, is just the most charming boy with such a sweet spirit. My Jack and Dill are great friends. Did I mention he is a great ball player too?
Logan is adorable and funny is an understatement. My Charlie and Logan get along great and can play wiffle ball until the stars come out! They are troopers at their big brothers baseball games and they are such good boys.
This session has everything I love about photographing families. Real connections, love, and belly laughs you can almost hear from looking at the photo. Photographing boys is very different than photographing a family with girls. They are hesitant. They don’t know what to expect. I am a mama to boys…so I know all too well the feeling upon arrival. I hope you can see from the imagery that everyone had a great time! It wasn’t painful..haha…and this family will have these memories forever. Their boys will grow past their mama and they will one day look back at these photographs with such fondness of a wonderful summer and a sweet time in their lives raising two unique and special boys. Why must they grow so fast? Thankful for photography to freeze these moments in time.
Williams Family…thank you for spending the evening with me. Micah and I love your family and your boys. Blessed to have met you and look forward to many more great times together! Making memories is what it’s all about! Enjoy your images!