Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mama’s today! This also applies to all of the aunties, grandmas, caretakers, foster mamas, mentoring mamas,mamas who gave up their babies for adoption, mama’s raising orphans in the bush, daddy’s raising littles without mamas, and anyone I missed! If you love on a child and invest in their life..this is YOU! I just wanted to send some love your way! I also want to hug all of the children today without their mamas….no matter how old you are…mother’s are special and I am thinking of you tonight.
I know that I am beyond thankful for my two boys, Jack and Charlieb. and my fur baby, Sullivan. Wow! What an adventure, eh? Who knew that sleepless nights, around the clock care, tears shed by both yourself and your children and the countless other things we do for our babes would be the greatest gift? It’s just so amazing that God gave me these little ones to care for…they are only mine for a little while. Don’t get me started on that…tears would soon follow But, seriously…how Amazing, right? I have learned so much about myself through parenting and loving my boys. Some good and some not so good parts about myself. But, all in all..some major growth.
I hope you were celebrated today, mamas! My day was not what I had hoped in all honesty…my boys were at a baseball tournament out of town. I photographed a beautiful wedding yesterday and it just didn’t work out for me to be there with them. I had high expectations from them upon their arrival. But, guess what? When our expectations are not met..we are disappointed and then what? Let’s just say I needed to be reminded of what is right in front of me. A husband who loves me and 2 healthy and sweet boys who were all exhausted. We went out for ice cream and it was perfect. Not what I had expected, but once I let go of what I thought it should look like…we all had fun and it was precious time together.
A shout out to my own, mama too! We were supposed to go to brunch today, but that also did not work out..(do you see how God is working on me lately 😉 ha Anyway…I was thankful for her sweet voice message…it truly made my day. She is always there if I truly need her. She is such a wonderful grandma to my boys and they love her so much! Cant’ wait for pedis with her this week! I also have a loving MIL. She lives far, but would help out in any way she can if we need her. She is also the primary caretaker for Sullivan as she is also Snow white when it comes to animals:) We love her! She raised a good man and I am thankful! Don’t miss out on the good stuff, friends. We truly have so much to be thankful for. I am holding that close to my heart tonight. We are not promised tomorrow.
Love and blessings, kellyb.
ps. This is a photograph that has stayed with me since I snapped it 6 months or so ago. I purposefully looked it up on my hardrives to share it with you. These are the moments that stop me in my tracks. I love real moments and this is what inspires me. I remember this day and the emotions surrounding it. I adore these parents and this is their first baby. I have been privileged to document their engagement, wedding, birth, newborn and baby photos. I love connecting with my clients. They share their lives with me and these beautiful moments and I am truly thankful. Stef…Happy Mother’s Day! So much love to you and Nick. You are doing an Amazing job with baby Quinn! xoxo