This…this statement…is so very true. It speaks volumes to my heart when I think about what matters in my life. When I look around and see so much hurt and pain in my friends lives and at times…in my own. We are never exempt from the trials of this life, but we can ALWAYS…and mean that with my whole heart…we can ALWAYS look around at our own life and enjoy the little things. The things that no one else notices…the things that are not Grand or Obvious to anyone except to us. Those little things are what makes it all worth it. We can be fabulous online until the cows come home, but if we can’t enjoy the little things…what is this life all about?
Some deeps thoughts by kelly braman today..haha…I have thought and have been praying about a faith blog to share and connect with other woman who are walking out their faith on a daily basis. I am not sure yet. This tug has been stirring in my heart for quite some time. We shall see…I need to let go of some fears first and then see what God wants to say through me. He is always working and I just have to listen…darn it…I would LOVe for that Big Flashing Neon Sign to spell it all out for me. haha
Enjoy your Saturday, everyone! I have some little things to enjoy today